Artists on the Rise Call Description:
The Brookfield Craft Center is pleased to announce their Call for Artists for the 6th Annual Juried Student Exhibition: Artists on the Rise. This juried show is open to all High School student aged artists in the Greater Danbury area who design and create their own work in any of the following categories: Clay/Ceramic, Photography, Fiber, Glass, Jewelry, Mixed Media (2D), Mixed Media (3D), Printmaking Painting, Drawing, Metal, Wood, Video. The exhibition will run from March 20th – April 18th.
Due to COVID restricitons, the exhibition willl be held both in-person and virtually. Our goal is to have as much artwork in our gallery for in-person viewing as possible, but if you are unable to get your artwork to us, we will present it as part of the virtual exhibition. All entries will be judged the same, regardless of whether it is in-person or virtual.
Clay/Ceramic, Photography, Fiber, Glass, Jewelry, Mixed Media (2D), Mixed Media (3D), Printmaking, Painting, Drawing, Metal, Wood, Video
Entry Instructions:
All student submissions must be entered through our online entry form below. Each entrant must create a username and password in order to complete their submission (if you have any challenges with this please call the event coordinator, Jillian Doherty (203) 775-4526). Each applicant may submit up to two pieces of work to be included in the jury process. Note: dependent on the number of entries, only one piece of work may be selected for the exhibition. Each applicant must submit an artist statement and each submission needs a description of work. Also, please indicate your school and grade along with your submission.
2D Artwork may be no larger than 24 x 16 inches.
3D Artwork may be no bigger than 3 feet in height.
Image submissions File Format: Standard JPEG or PDF
File Size: no larger than 2 MB